Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Toy Guns

Well I took the boys to the Dollar Store last week. We do that alot they love to spend FOREVER looking at each toy on the toy aisle. Anyway Joseph picked out a toy gun with this little plastic things that you shoot out and they stick to glass or whatever (like little suction cups). The gun is like a mini rifle. William ended up getting one too but lost interest in it after we opened it. Joseph however cannot put it down. He has to sleep with it.

Now this does not bother me in the least. It's like when all the toys were recalled for lead I tried not to buy them but if we already had them "oh well." Some would call me a bad mom I know. I work really hard to not baby or over do it with the mothering cause I want them to fall and get hurt and all that stuff. Getting off topic anyway so this gun thing does not bother me and while I think its natural for all children to be curious about everything I can also understand why it angers some parents. So it all boils down to letting my kids be kids in the way I feel comfortable. So screw all those other over obsessive soccer moms. Oops I'm getting ready to be a soccer mom maybe I'll let Jo Jo bring his gun to the field!!!! I'll blog later on that.....

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